Mar 11Liked by Jo Clifford

This is very beautiful, jo. I couldn’t bring myself to read it yesterday - it’s always a turbulent day, Mother’s Day, for so many people. But today I gave myself space and it’s really worth the read. Solidarity. And love. x

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Oh no! I made both you and Bex cry with my post. I hope it was clear that despite having had years where I’ve been upset by all the Mother’s Day crap I am now being able to pivot to a place where I can feel grateful to ALL the people in my life who support me, and have made me me. I love our tiny little family and wouldn’t wish for any different, and I love being parented by you and the years we had with mum. It’s wild how the constant messaging surrounding parenthood and motherhood makes us feel abs I now only want to rally against that and show other ways of being in a family that, like ours, are so so so so happy, and partly that happiness has been born out of our unhappiness… if that makes sense? Love you xxx

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Mar 10Liked by Jo Clifford

What a beautifully written sad piece of writing, Jo.

Like so many “special” days, I had been thinking this morning when my son Jan gave me a wonderful Hippy Dippy mother’s day card, and a box of beautiful scented soaps (including Patchouli), that MOTHER’S day must be a very difficult time for many people.

I had a “mother” whom I didn’t particularly like as a person, and desperately tried to be the opposite of, all of my life. Makes one wonder about the whole concept of “fatherhood”, and “motherhood”, and the various roles and obligations we are conditioned to associate with such words?

Is it any wonder so many of us end up so “f…..d” up…..?

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Mar 10Liked by Jo Clifford

thanks Jo x

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