May 3Liked by Jo Clifford

What a wonderful moderate piece written by, not surprisingly, by an actual Trans person. It is written from the heart and not from an ideology. There are far too many trans-activists out there who are just in it for the fight, and not all are actual trans-people.

The problem with the debate is that there are trans-ideologues stirring up hatred and bigotry while anti-trans bigots are using the feminist concerns to stir up their own brand of hatred, while the majority are moderate people on both sides who just want to express themselves and be heard.

But Scotland, and I’m afraid England will also given that Labour will form the next government, has stepped too far in trying to “protect” people from hatred while ignoring the outpouring of hatred, including death threats, against the other sides. Not one racist ever stopped being racist because of legislation; not one homophobe stopped hating gays because a law changed; not one misogynist stopped abusing women because of increased punishments; not one transphobe will stop hating you because the law says they must.

What is truly needed is for everyone, pro-trans and trans-critical, to start listening to each other with an ear to understand not to fight. It is possible to be critical of elements of trans-ideology, even critical of individual trans people (Sarah Jane Baker’s overt display of toxic masculinity springs to mind) and support trans people’s rights to live their authentic selves. The two are not mutually exclusive. Just as it is possible to be critical of some feminist movements without being a misogynist.

I will certainly seek out more of your essays, Jo.

John Mc

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Thank you John. I'm so glad you've understood what I'm trying to do! I do think laws matter, though. A law can't remove people's hatred, but it can help protect the targets of hatred from its worst consequences. And that, I think, does count for something...I hope you keep reading and enjoying...with every good wish Jo xxx

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May 2Liked by Jo Clifford

Hi Jo

I am sure that there are some people who hate trans folk, but I think there are more people who simply wonder why our government spent so much time and energy on this issue to the detriment of housing policy, NHS, education etc. In my view, the hate crime legislation was unnecessary because such crimes were already covered by Scots 'common law', and I wonder whether, when the dust settles, the police and Prosecution Services will beany more assiduous in pursuing such crimes than they were in the past.

Lest there by any ambiguity, I utterly believe that trans people have absolutely the same rights as every other citizen, and that includes the right to equal dignity.

Good wishes, Jo. I am off to America tomorrow until the end of the month.

Joe Farrell

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Lovely to hear from you, dear Joe. I'm not sure I agree that the Scottish government's concern with hate crimes was to the detriment of other issues... it's just that their ooponents found it easier to attack them on it. So it generated infinitely more hot air...anyway, have a wonderful time in the States. I'm going there in June....

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